09/06/2013 13:05
Don't go throwing away those lovely green leaves from your beetroots as they are very nutritious. Here are a few ideas to make the best of them.
When Selecting, choose beet greens with leaves that look fresh, bright and deep green. The young, tender beet leaves have the best flavour. Avoid leaves...
08/05/2013 00:04
Heirloom suggestion
Asparagus officinalis
Mary Washington Asparagus Seeds
Asparagus is a member of the lily family and is one of the first vegetables ready to harvest in the spring. It originated near the Mediterranean Sea and was considered a delicacy by the ancient Greeks.
22/03/2013 22:22
Pass the peas please!
Heirloom suggestion:
Thomas Laxton (65 days)
Introduced in 1898 by Thomas Laxton
Any pea that was introduced over 100 years ago and is still widely grown should tell you volumes. Reliable, consistant, and sweet are just some of the words used to describe this...
09/03/2013 13:43
21/07/2012 10:01
Onions are native to Asia and the Middle East and have been cultivated for over five thousand years. Onions were highly regarded by the Egyptians, who believed that its spherical shape and concentric rings symbolized eternal life.
In the Middle Ages onions were such an...
28/02/2013 20:28
Heirloom Suggestion
French Breakfast
French Breakfast is an oblong radish that grows 1 1/2 to 2 inches, scarlet up top in color with a bright white tip. Sweet, tender and mild. Perfect for salads.
1884 D.M. Ferry Seed Catalog says about French Breakfast Radish....
"A medium...