30/09/2012 20:25October is the month of ghouls, scares, and jack-o’-lanterns. Leaves changing colour and falling from the trees, and the first frost of the year settling in.
October is the tenth month in the Gregorian calendar. It received its name from the Latin word 'Octo' meaning 'eight', because in the first Roman calendar it was the eighth month.
In Old England, October was known by many different names, including 'Teo-monath' - tenth month and 'Winterfylleth' - the beginning of winter month. Also 'Wyn Monath' which meant wine month.
The calendula or pot marigold is the flower for October. The calendula flower is not only of ornamental and decorative value. It has also medicinal and culinary attributes.
Calendula/ Pot Marigold ~ produce orange or yellow flowers, which come in a range of flavours- spicy, bitter, tangy or peppery. Petals can be sprinkled on soups, pasta, salads and rice. The Powdered petals, also known as poor man's saffron, can be added to give a golden hint to herb butter, spreads, soups and scrambled eggs. Pick flowers just as they open in summer for fresh use and for drying.
Canada celebrates Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday of October. Thanksgiving Day is a holiday to give thanks for the blessings in one's life, particularly the harvest.
Happy Thanksgiving Canada.
At the end of October witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers,‘tis near Halloween!
Halloween around the world is a traditional holiday that is considered one of the oldest in history.
Carve a jack-o'-lantern pumpkin and let it glow!
Use a serrated knife to cut a circle in the top for a lid, angling the knife so the lid won't fall through. Scoop out the pulp and seeds (remember save your seeds to roast for a tasty snack! ) With a marker pen draw a face on the pumpkin. Use a small serrated knife to cut out the eyes, nose & mouth. Rub the cut edges with vegetable oil to keep fresher for longer. Pop a tea light inside the pumpkin, light it and replace the lid, then watch it glow!
D Moss